*Free* Group Meetings
(Scroll down for dates)
A Better Way Counseling Center offers four free educational support groups. (During Coronavirus and until further notice, there are only two groups and they are via telephone or video conferencing. You can view the special Coronavirus schedule below. Please call for more information.)
Support Group for Family and Friends and People with Eating Disorders
A Better Way Counseling Center's free support group for family and friends of people with eating disorders meets on the first Friday of every month from 6:30 to 8:00 pm at the Zion Lutheran Church*. There is a map to this church in our Downloads section of this website. This group is for people with eating disorders and/or their families and friends. Family members or those with an eating disorder are encouraged to attend on their own or with their loved ones. Children and adolescents are welcome to attend as long as they are accompanied by a parent or guardian. Although this group is guided by a therapist from A Better Way Counseling Center, it is not therapy but educational. It is a time to share information and get support from other people and families who struggle with an eating disorder, and to hear from people and families who have overcome these struggles. No one is required to participate after introducing themselves. You are welcome to just listen or you can talk and ask questions.
Sometimes we will have a different speaker to help participants explore the topic for the evening. The speakers can be experts in the field of Eating Disorder Treatment, such as a physician or dietitian, or they can be individuals who have recovered or been affected.
The dates for this group are listed below under “Group Schedule.”
Discussion-based Support Group for People with Eating Disorders
A Better Way Counseling Center's free support group for people with eating disorders meets every first, third and fifth Tuesday* of the month from 6:00 to 7:00 pm in our office. This group is only for adults who have an eating disorder or body image issues who are at least 18 years old. It is guided by a therapist from A Better Way Counseling Center. It is a time to share information and get support in an educational format from other people who have similar struggles. In the support group we often touch on ideas, feelings, beliefs, processes, and experiences, however the support group is not therapy and it is not the time to delve deeply into personal emotions. After introducing yourself, you are welcome either to talk and ask questions or just listen.
The dates for this group are listed below under “Group Schedule.”
Art Therapy Support Group for People with Eating Disorders
The free art therapy support group is a safe and supportive group that meets twice a month on the second and fourth Tuesday* of the month from 6:00 to 7:00 pm in the offices of A Better Way Counseling Center. Although it is led by a Registered Art Therapist, it is not therapy but educational. The group is only for adults who have an from eating disorder or body image issues who are at least 18 years old. It is for people who are interested in how art and art therapy may be beneficial to them in their recovery from an eating disorder. The group consists of directed art activities designed to encourage discussion of general issues relevant to eating disorders and recovery. Some of the activities are directly related to one’s struggle with eating disorders, and some are more general for the purpose of self-expression and self-exploration. There will be individual activities, as well as an occasional group project. Art supplies will be provided, and no art experience is necessary to participate in the group. Following the art activity there will be an opportunity to share your artwork with the group and talk about it. Because this is a support group, and not a therapy group, it will focus on art experiences that are not designed to facilitate an in-depth exploration of feelings, but rather to explore how concepts and culture interfere with personal growth and fulfillment.
The dates for this group are listed below under “Group Schedule.”
Support Group for People with Compulsive Overeating
A Better Way Counseling Center's free support group for people who struggle with compulsive overeating meets every first, third and fifth Wednesday of the month from 6:30 to 7:30 pm in the offices of A Better Way Counseling Center. This group is for adults who have issues with eating or body image issues due to heavy weight or large size who are at least 18 years old. It is also open to those with obesity-related problems, Binge Eating Disorder, food addiction, chronic illness or medication related weight gain and other similar issues. It is guided by a therapist from A Better Way Counseling Center. It is a time to share information and get support in an educational format from other people who have similar struggles. Topics may include food, diets, eating disorder symptoms, relationship difficulties and shame and self esteem. In the support group we often touch on ideas, feelings, beliefs, processes, and experiences, however the support group is not therapy and it is not the time to delve deeply into personal emotions.
Participants will have a chance to explore self-care practices such as journaling, mindfulness meditation and creative expression. Also discussed will be how to find additional support to help with recovery, and where to find wellness services. After introducing yourself, you are welcome either to talk and ask questions or just listen.
The dates for this group are listed below under “Group Schedule.”
* About These Services
The group for family, friends and those with an eating disorder meets at the Zion Lutheran Church. The three groups for only people with eating disorders meets at our office location at 818 NW 17th in Suite 1. A map to the church and to our office is available in the "Downloads" section of this website. The schedule will remain consistent unless a particular group falls on a holiday or the Zion congregation has an unexpected need for the meeting hall. Call ahead or look under the "Schedule Changes" of this website to be sure.
Our free services are available to anyone for whom they are appropriate and one does not have to be a client of A Better Way Counseling Center to participate.Give us a call at (503) 226-9061 or email us to find out more.
Group Schedule
2023 - 2024 Dates for 1st Friday Support Group for Family, Friends, and People with Eating Disorders (6:00 to 7:25 pm)
(This group is meeting online every First Friday on Zoom. Please use our "Contact Us" webpage for information about joining this group:
https://abwcounseling.com/cgi-bin/abpage.pl?pgid=2 )
2023 - 2024 Dates for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Tuesday* Discussion
Based Support Group (6:00 to 7:00 pm)
(This group is meeting online every Tuesday on Zoom. Please use our
"Contact Us" webpage for information about joining this group:
2023 - 2024 Dates for 2nd and 4th Tuesday Art Therapy Support Group (6:00 to 7:00 pm) (Discontinued during Coronavirus until further notice.)
2023 - 2024 Dates for 1st and 3rd Wednesday Compulsive Overeaters
Support Group (Discontinued during Coronavirus until further notice.)